Here it is my first beauty haul...enjoy!
About two weeks ago I splurged a little and bought some beauty products from Sephora, Walgreens, Sally Beauty Supply, and Amazon. If you want to know what I bought then keep reading…
Oh two more things, if you are interested I will link the
products throughout this blog. I also have a Luvocracy account where you can
find the items so go trust me on the app! On to the haul…
For my birthday this year I received a $100 gift card to Sephora from my boyfriend. For a while I was contemplating on what to buy. I decided on one skin product so I wanted the rest of the items to be makeup related. For some suggestions/input I turned to YouTube. I came across a beauty guru who swatched OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) cosmetic colour pencils. In her review she mentioned that these cosmetic pencils could be used on your lips, face, and body. Automatically I thought that this product had multiple uses so it would be smart to invest "my money" in them. There are a eleven colors to choose from! I chose three, as you have seen above. With more money on my gift card I looked through the Sephora website to see what else I could buy because of course I had to spend it all in one shot. I searched OCC's other products and came across their lip tars. The lip tars also come in many colors so again I turned to YouTube to help me make a decision. Finally I choose to buy one in the color Annika. With a few dollars left on my gift card I decided to buy a cosmetic glitter. As I said in my 25 Things About Me post I really like watching music videos. I had recently watched Katy Perry's video for Dark Horse and really liked her eye make up, which incorporates gold glitter. I stuck with the OCC brand and bought a glitter from their collection (as seen above).
Since high school I have always been experimenting with dying my hair. Often times I had used box dyes from Walgreens/Rite Aid, etc. The time came again, I was bored of my color and needed a change. I always wanted to be a red head but I was always to scared to do it. When I was watching Season two of American Horror Story I fell in love with the young Moira O'Hara's hair color and thought I needed to dye my hair read. Now that I think about it when I was younger I also loved Rose's hair from the Titanic. For a while I was dying my hair red but never could achieve the specific color I wanted. A friend suggested that I use L'Oreal's HiColor permanent hair dye from Salley's. It turns out I found the perfect hair dye. For about four months I have had red hair and have used the L'Oreal dye with 30 volume developer. Since my hair is so long I use four boxes of dye (2 of the red hot and 2 of the magenta).

OCC Cosmetic Colour Pencil - Black Dahlia HERE
OCC Cosmetic Colour Pencil -NSFW HERE
For my birthday this year I received a $100 gift card to Sephora from my boyfriend. For a while I was contemplating on what to buy. I decided on one skin product so I wanted the rest of the items to be makeup related. For some suggestions/input I turned to YouTube. I came across a beauty guru who swatched OCC (Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics) cosmetic colour pencils. In her review she mentioned that these cosmetic pencils could be used on your lips, face, and body. Automatically I thought that this product had multiple uses so it would be smart to invest "my money" in them. There are a eleven colors to choose from! I chose three, as you have seen above. With more money on my gift card I looked through the Sephora website to see what else I could buy because of course I had to spend it all in one shot. I searched OCC's other products and came across their lip tars. The lip tars also come in many colors so again I turned to YouTube to help me make a decision. Finally I choose to buy one in the color Annika. With a few dollars left on my gift card I decided to buy a cosmetic glitter. As I said in my 25 Things About Me post I really like watching music videos. I had recently watched Katy Perry's video for Dark Horse and really liked her eye make up, which incorporates gold glitter. I stuck with the OCC brand and bought a glitter from their collection (as seen above).
Here are the lip pencils and the lip tar swatched
Black Dahlia, NSFW, Hoochie, & Annika (from left to right).
L'Oreal Excellent HiColor - Magenta HERE
L'Oreal Oreor 30 Volume Creme Developer HERE
Moira O'Hara played by Alexandra Breckenridge in
American Horror Story
Soap & Glory - Flake Away Body Polish HERE
Olay ProX Advanced Cleaning System HERE
Olay Regenerist Detoxifying Pore Scrub HERE
In the winter my skin always gets really dry and flakey. I found the above products and wanted to try them out. The skin on my face is really weird sometimes it gets really oily and other times its dry and flakey. I decided to try exfoliating, since I never have. For a while I was looking into Ckarisonic which is a deep cleaning skin care system. I really liked the idea but didn't want to spend over $100 on the thing. Walgreens has a similar product called the Olay ProX Advanced Cleaning System. It comes with a brush and a small facial scrub. I also bought another pore scrub from Olay (the red bottle in the picture above) for when the little tube runs out. As soon as I got the products I tried them out. My skin felt so smooth and so far no flakes! I also noticed that the blackheads near my nose were no longer there.
The final skin product I bought was the Soap & Glory Body Polish from Sephora. Since I can remember I have had problems with the skin on my legs. When winter rolls around I develop these ugly scales, I always say that in my past life I was a mermaid. The Soap & Glory product claims it will eliminate scales and dry flakey skin. I tried the scrub and it might be weird but I used the Olay brush to work in the product into my legs. Since I only used it once so far I can't say it got rid of my scales but I do know it smells amazing!!!
The final skin product I bought was the Soap & Glory Body Polish from Sephora. Since I can remember I have had problems with the skin on my legs. When winter rolls around I develop these ugly scales, I always say that in my past life I was a mermaid. The Soap & Glory product claims it will eliminate scales and dry flakey skin. I tried the scrub and it might be weird but I used the Olay brush to work in the product into my legs. Since I only used it once so far I can't say it got rid of my scales but I do know it smells amazing!!!
OPI - Lost on Lombard HERE
OPI- Suzi’s Hungary
Again! HERE
OPI - Keeping Suzi at Bay HERE
QT Mood Changing Nail Lacquer –Purple to Pink HERE
QT Mood Changing Nail Lacquer –Mauve to Pretty Pink HERE
Duri - Rejuvacote HERE
When I was shopping online at Sally’s for hair stuff I looked at the OPI nail polishes. I love OPI nail polish but they are so
expensive so I always try really hard to hold back on buying all of them. Side note if you are shopping on the Sally's website for OPI nail polish I noticed that the photos on the website don't exactly resemble the actual color. Back to what I was saying about my purchasing experience. After
contemplating for a while on which colors to select I choose only three OPI nail polishes. Two of the colors I planed on
wearing for the remainder of the wither and the pink for the springtime. When I open the pink color I noticed that it didn't look like the image online and it was similar to other pink nail polishes that I already own, so I decided to exchange it for another color (see bellow).
OPI - Can't Find My Czechbook HERE
On to the other polishes I bought. One day, like most days, I was on Instagram scrolling
through my feed. Someone I follow posted a video of her nails. I know your
thinking Maria you mean a picture of their nails. No, I mean a VIDEO of their
nails. The girl had on “mood changing” nail polish and was showing them change under water.
Mood changing nail polish changes colors with the temperature. I
thought the nail polishes were so cool and I needed to have them. After
researching for a while I finally found some mood changing nail polishes on
Amazon. My shopping impulses encouraged me to buy two different colors (listed
above). I tried them out and I think they are so cool. The purple to pink color
worked really well, the mauve to pretty pink not so much. This could have been
because I had a base cote on, not to sure.
So the last nail polish I bought a while ago but I decided
to stick in this blog. The Rejuvacote helps strengthen nails. However, like OPI
it is expensive. A couple of years ago I used to wear tips all the time and
when I took them off my nails were so weak. I never did believe in nail
strengthening nail polishes but this one really worked, for me at least.
Recently my nails have been breaking really low so I decided to give Rejuvacote
a try again. The low breaks are slowly growing out and my nails seam to be
stronger. With Rejuvacote you have to use it as a base cote and a top cote,
like any other clear nail polish. The only difference is that you have to keep reapplying
the Rejuvacote as a top vote everyday. I’ve been trying to religiously apply
the top cote but sometimes I do forget.
As I use these polishes I will post pictures in the Photo
Gallery Section, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Nature Made Biotin HERE
Since my nails have been breaking, my skin has been really dry and I want my hair to grow longer faster I decided to buy Biotin. A while back I tried a supplement that was called Hair, Skin, and Nails. This supplement, like Biotin was used to strengthen my hair, skin, and nails duhhh. The reason why I didn't buy Hair, Skin, and Nails again is because it tasted so bad. Not only did it taste bad but (this might sound gross) it would cause me to burp during the day and the taste would come back to my mouth. I still get goose bumps when I think how bad it was. So after doing my research I found the Biotin is found in those pills and it also helps strengthen hair, skin, and nails. I was looking through the Walgreens website and I found the supplements in liquid softgels which I thought would help avoid the bad taste. I have been taking one pill a day and it's safe to say there is no bad taste left in my mouth!
Hope you all liked this post! Make sure you follow all my social media sites for updates on when I post on my blog (links are on my home page).
Thanks for reading, enjoy the rest of your week.
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